The best way to find the times for your journey is at
Train timetables are normally updated twice a year, in May and December.Avoid getting stuck during your travels by using our GWR Journey Tracker to find the first and the last trains on any given route.
If we need to change things after you’ve bought a ticket, you can travel on any reasonable alternative service. Or, if you don’t travel, you can claim a full refund.
Find out how planned rail improvements might affect your journey.
If you need help when making your journey, you can call our Passenger Assist team on 0800 197 1329. Our Passenger Assist Team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (excluding 25 and 26 December). Find out more about Passenger Assist.
Our timetables are split into four broad areas, beginning with either a B, D, K or T. Our CL timetable shows all of our trains to and from South Wales.
We include services from other train companies where they cover part or all of our route, except where shown, and in all cases, timetable information is available in both directions.
You can download our timetables from the list below: